And yet, NOT explicitly facing it, as the shared, dying river of life and grief we all sail on, doesn't bring the (non-dual/ we're all in this together) urgency or inner transformation required... within which we must all 'slow down' (as Bayo Akomolafe says "...times are urgent, let us slow down"), reflect, and truly FEEL the polycrises.
Melanie Goodchild describes (r3.0 Conference, Sept 2022) Relational Systems Thinking - "The sacred space between ways of knowing, two vessels sharing the river of life together; Tekani teyothata’tye kaswenta - the Haudenosaunee Two-row Wampum Belt is the central metaphor for reasoning synergistically between multiple ways of knowing; equal but differentiated; 3rd space; spiritual, mental, physical and emotional frequencies; cultural fluency; relational methodology; healing self and systems..." I suggest we, both/and/ all of us, including those from both mechanistic and thrivability camps, must look the reality of collapse in the eye, and then live the questions together... our river is dying... where is the 3rd space for the Courageous Conversations about Collapse required for all involved to fully grok this, feel the individual and collective cognitive dissonance and pain of the loss of identity and certainty, and the forthcoming suffering (rather than take sides)?
I love your body of work Anneloes, and think that there is a small, but yawning 'gap' in your first diagram - Diagnosing Systemic Thrivability Barriers - near the centre, where 'responsiveness to pain blocked' and 'engage & sustain the systemic thrivability pattern' are just below blocked empathy & love - it is 'collective acknowledgement of collapse' and the 'third space' to hold that, for all.
Thank you, with love, Neil