I’d just add that human systems are not just Complex Adaptive Systems, they are also Reflexive… Complex Adaptive Reflexive Systems … for each individual can choose/or not to take/make different pathways in the moment… and the degree of systems understanding that influences this, the degree of capability and maturity to sense-make, and their capacity to mindfully ‘reflect’ can make an enormous difference… hence different worldviews at different stages of individual development, and different life conditions (at any stage of development), can alter the range of possible choices conceived by those in the system.
Consequently, creating the conditions for individual emergence/ growth/ healing will alter the starting conditions for the collective. And, creating the conditions for deeper understandings of the system state and context will alter the collective responses and responsiveness. Transcontextuality through holding multiple perspectives loosely, in systems context, is a key to alignment in new patterns of coherence.