In my experience, one can 'facilitate emergence' through multi-perspectival listening and re-articulation in emerging systems context. My 'process' is initially systematic - e.g. noting the pieces/ threads etc, and seeking pattern/s. However the re-articulation requires letting go of the systematic, and opening--vulnerably allowing--the 'present potentials'--to flow through me. This is like a 'third voice', the voice of the poet's muse, where the resultant systemic whole is greater than the sum of the systematic parts, and the parts are recognizable by those who contributed them, and the elegance/ eloquence shows the intuitively woven coherence that had, until then, not been articulated. Humility is required, as, as is said elsewhere in this paper, there are no guarantees of what will emerge, so one cannot predict the outcome... like a poem that speaks as much to the poet as to other readers. I hope this is seen as relevant, as, I believe, this is a crucial and critical part of how we enable the system to see itself, evolving, when they realize the brilliance of the 'pieces' they already had (potentials) and the truth and meaning in the resultant recombination.