Reflections on Earth Day, 2018, Toohey Forest
A softer, supple, subtle world
Where curves and curls abound
And life and death at every scale
Are waiting to be found
And slowly cycling processes
Like lichen eating stone
Yet rarely with the excesses
Of humans in their homes
Where grasshoppers that look like rocks
Are dwarfed by giant nuts
And deep pin-cushioned needle-beds
Fill sandstones’ weathered ruts
Where tiny fungi fairy stools
Stand tall, and straight, and proud
Against the shaded rocky walls
In tiny light shafts found
A skink’s head slowly reappears
From a deep, dark, safe, rock cleft
To catch the briefest glimpse of sun
That powers nature’s weft
The weave continues, silently
On caterpillars’ legs
Where colonies have left the trees
To build communal webs
The stragglers still arriving
Replete in stiff fine hairs
To find a hole and burrow in
With others safely there
And all around soft plays sweet light
As breezes move the leaves
And golden candles — oh so bright!
Illuminate life’s scenes
Of weathered sandstone, leaves and soil
Of boulders dark and grey
Drawn to this place, how blessed was I
This now, this where, Earth Day